Important Notes
This workflow will automate a payment plan statement to be mailed out to the patient - text/email is not supported for Plan statements at this time.
The patient will also be TAGGED with $ PLAN.
The payment plan feature does not currently auto-charge credit cards.
Online Payments are required to be set up to access the Payment Plan feature.
Example Payment Plan Statement
Plan Statements are largely similar to standard Statements. The notable differences are
the Blue coloration (opposed to the standard Green/ Yellow/ Red)
the term PAYMENT PLAN in the upper-left
the representation of Payment Due (the amount due at this time) in addition to Owed By You (the total balance)
Create a Payment Plan
Step 1 - Choose the Patient
On the patient page when you click COLLECT NOW to collect a payment, a new button is now shown. This button is to set up or display a payment plan. Click this button to start the process of setting up a payment plan.
Step 2 - Payment Option
In the first step, the billing software will ask if you would like to choose to pay within a set amount of time frame. By choosing the amount option, you will be able to set an amount you would like to pay monthly until the balance is paid. By choosing the time option, you can set the time period you would like to pay the balance off.
Step 3 - Payment Options
Step 3a - Time
If you chose the time option, the window will show the balance and a drop-down menu to select a timespan. Once you have made a selection you can click next to select a start date.
Step 3b - Amount
If you chose the amount option, the window will show the balance and a text box to insert an amount the patient would like to pay. Once you have inserted an amount you can click the next button to select a start date.
Step 4 - Start Date
Once you chose the amount or time span you can then choose when the start date of the payment plan is set. It will be on these days every month that payments are due.
Step 5 - Summary/Confirmation
In step 4, you will see a summary of what the payment plan will look like. It will list the due dates of payments, the amounts for each payment, and the payment number. If everything looks good you can press submit to start the payment plan. (There will be a confirmation window to make sure you want to set up a payment plan.)
Extra Information
Active Plan
When you go back into the same collect now and plan buttons, you will now get the payment plan details if an active plan exists. This will show you the details of the plan with the amount owed per payment, months left on the plan, and the remaining pay-off balance. From this detailed menu, you can terminate the plan and make a payment. This makes the payment button will default to the amount you need to pay that period. (If you would like to pay more you can do a card charge the usual way and put in an amount.)
Updated Patient Balances
For a new balance to be included in a Payment Plan, the current plan must be Terminated, and a new one must be begun. Patients can only be on one plan at a time.