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Posting a Payment in Elation Billing
Posting a Payment in Elation Billing

How do I create an insurance payment? How do I create a patient payment? How do I manually post an EOB?

Updated over a month ago

Insurance Payment

Step 1 - Navigate

Select the New Payment option from the Payments drop-down menu.

Step 2 - Payment Details

Note: When posting an Insurance payment, create ONE payment for the FULL amount of the check - you will add ALL claims from the EOB into this one single payment!

Select the payment type 'insurance' and choose the insurance, then enter the basic payment information.

Optional: include a Bonus amount, or an Ignored amount.

Select the Payment type. Choose the insurance. Designate the Payment Method, Check Number, Payment and Posting Date, and Payment Amount. Optionally, include a Bonus and/ or Ignored amount.

Step 3 - Add Claims

Add claims to your payment by entering the superbill number and hitting enter or clicking the + Claims button. The system will not let you add the same claim twice.

Step 4 - Quick Links

You can click on several quick links in the blue claim header. You can open the superbill, the patient, and take actions like editing demographics and insurance, viewing claim history, and deleting the claim from the payment (this deletes all the adjustments, payments, etc that were entered on this payment for that claim).

Detail will show or hide the expanded view of the superbill:

Step 5 - Enter the EOB Charge Line Items

NOTE: For secondary/ tertiary payments, enter only the payment and patient responsibility.

Enter the

  • Allowed

  • Adjustments*

  • Payment

  • Patient Responsibility (if applicable)

    • Deductible

    • Coinsurance

    • Copayment

*When the Allowed amount is input, the initial Adjustment and CO45 code will automatically populate. For additional Adjustments, you will input the Amount as usual. When you input the new Adjustment code, you should see the appropriate code, title, and description of the adjustment appear. This is a feature to help confirm the appropriate code has been added.

Then use the Bill To drop-down on the right to select a claim disposition; when you save the payment, this is what will happen with the claim next.

Note: on a manually-posted payment, Bill-To will default to the Primary Payer. If no Payer information is present for the patient, it will default to Patient.

Selecting Insurance (e.g. " 1 - Aetna" "2 - CA Medicaid") = Claim goes into the billing queue

Selecting Patient = Claim balance is transferred to the patient

Selecting Settled = Claim balance will be settled

Selecting Crossover = Claim will be marked billed, but not transmitted

*For Crossover you must include a name in the CARRIER box

Step 6 - Save the Payment

Once your payment has been fully input, you should find that the Unapplied box is now green with a balance of $0.00 - any other value in red would indicate an imbalance between the Check Amount and the amount distributed among the Superbills. Assuming all is well, you are now free to Save the payment to apply the funds and the claims' disposition!

Patient Payment - Automatic

NOTE: this workflow does NOT apply to Elation EHR + Billing users that utilize Stripe for payment collection. For Elation EHR + Billing Patient Payment instructions, please refer to this article.

There are a few ways in which a Patient Payment may be Automatically posted:

On the Superbill

If a Copayment Collected amount is entered, a Payment dated to the DOS will be created.

On the Patient Page

Collect Now - Charge Credit Card

If your practice has Stripe set up, this will lead to the Stripe Checkout page. Once this is posted, a Patient Payment will be created (and a receipt will be emailed to the email entered at Checkout)

Online Patient Payment

If the patient pays online per their statement, a Patient Payment will be created

Patient Payment - Manual

*Elation EHR + Billing NOTE*

Steps 1-2 of this workflow will NOT apply to Elation EHR + Billing practices that have Integrated Patient Payments (in which payments automatically flow from EHR to Elation Billing)!

To post Patient Payments into Elation Billing when you have Integrated Patient Payments, please Click Here for instructions on activating and using the Legacy Payment Workflow

*General Note*

If a patient's Copay is accounted for on their Superbill, a Payment was automatically created! You can find the Payment 1) through the Patient's History button, or 2) in the Payments tab by searching the patient.

Step 1 - Navigate

Select the New Payment option from the Payments drop-down menu.

Step 2 - Payment Details

Note: When posting an Patient payment, create ONE payment for the FULL amount of the check - you will add ALL claims from the EOB into this one single payment!

Select the payment type 'insurance' and choose the insurance, then enter the basic payment information.

Step 3 - Add Claims

Select "View Patient Claims"

View Patient Claims is found in the upper-right of the Add Claims To Payment box

From here, you can view all of the patient's claims on which they have Balance Responsibility (claims with a balance assigned to a Payer will not be present).

Select the Claim(s) you'd like to add to the Payment

This view offers info like Claim ID, DOS, Patient Balance, and more. On the far right is an Add Charges button, which adds the Claim to the Payment

Alternatively, add claims to your payment by entering the superbill number and hitting enter or clicking the + Claims button. The system will not let you add the same claim twice.

Step 4 - Quick Links

You can click on several quick links in the blue claim header. You can open the superbill, the patient, and take actions like editing demographics and insurance, viewing claim history, and deleting the claim from the payment (this deletes all the adjustments, payments, etc that were entered on this payment for that claim).

Step 5 - Apply the Payment

Note: We do not advise applying Patient payments before Insurance payments have been applied.

Add the amount of the Payment being applied to the claim in the Payment field.

Step 6 - Bill To

Designated where the claim will be routed next - if the balance has been fully covered, the claim will likely be Settled.

Step 7 - Save the Payment

If the patient's payment has been fully applied, you'll find that the Unapplied box is now green with a balance of $0.00 - any other value in red would indicate an imbalance (typically due to the patient's payment not being fully applied). Assuming all is well, you are now free to Save the payment to apply the funds and the claims' disposition!

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