The NDC editor can be accessed on ANY Superbill that has at least one Claim line.
Step 1 - Click "NDC"
On the Superbill's Claim lines, under the Optional column, select NDC
Clicking NDC will open the Charge NDC panel, which allows you to add an NDC without adding the NDC to your Saved NDCs.
Step 2 - View and Create NDCs
To create new NDCs to be saved, and to view your Saved NDCs, select Saved NDCs.
On clicking Saved NDCs, you will be presented with the list of NDCs on file, along with the option to ADD NEW NDC.
The Action buttons allow you to Add the NDC to the Claim Line, Edit the NDC, or Delete an NDC.
Step 2a - Add New NDC
ADD NEW NDC unlocks the fields to add an NDC to your saved codes. The list of already-saved NDCs will still be visible! Once you've added the info for the NDC, make sure to Save!
Step 3 - Add the NDC to the Superbill
Click the β on the NDC you'd like to add.