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Add or Edit Authorizations / Referrals
Add or Edit Authorizations / Referrals

How do I add or edit an authorization? How do I attach an authorization to a claim?

Updated over a week ago

For the purpose of this article, we refer to a Referral or Authorization collectively as an 'Authorization'.

*When adding a CLIA, this will instead be added within Practice Settings, under the Practice Info tab.

Step 1 - Navigate

Click the 'Auth' button in the insurance box. Click 'Insurance' again to toggle back.

Step 2 - Add Authorization

Click the + New button in the Authorizations Box. Select a payer and enter all the Authorization or Referral information and SAVE.

Step 3 - Edit or Inactivate an Authorization

To edit an authorization, just click the yellow pencil next to the authorization. To deactivate an authorization, click on the red X button.

Step 4 - Attach an Authorization to a Claim

Just click the Add Authorization button on the Superbill and then select the authorization to attach.

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